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Molecular Imprinting Egyptian Chapter

Group location: Egypt (Africa)

Group description:

A new phase in Egypt has started formed by the forces of change among which is the growing trend towards globalization, green economy, as well as the acceleration of world competitive powers, and the emergence of “sustainability of the competitive advantage” concept which applies to developmental institutions especially the national system for higher education and research. The aforementioned institutions include governmental bodies, scientific councils, funding establishments, universities, special research foundations, and technology-built industries. As a result, there emerges an escalation in endowing chaired positions in advanced and future sciences. National Innovation System (NIS) includes mechanics to draw technological standards of performance, means of cooperation, and strategies for development through research groups in both sectors of education and scientific research. It sets the goal to achieve an infrastructure of state-run scientific research connected with industry, serves the local market needs and the state developmental plans. In consequence it allocates the required investments for advancing science and technology in the country.

There are many research groups who are interested in MIP technology and who are willing to collaborate with other MIP groups globally, these include;, Prof. Saad S. M. Hassan and Prof. Ayman H Kamel from faculty of Science Ain Shams University (ASU), Prof. Rasha El Nashar research group from Cairo University (CU), Prof. Nada Atta research group from Faculty of Science CU and Dr. Nermine Vector from Faculty of pharmacy ASU, Prof. Hossam Sayour head of molecular biomimetic research group (MBRG) and Prof. Ashraf Sayour Brucella Dept. at Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI), Hani Ragaie (ICL) Faculty of Engineering ASU, Prof. Hussien A. Shafie research group in water treatment technology, National Research Center (NRC),

“Long ago Pharaohs believed in eternal life!  For future prospects; could the molecular imprinting be the magical key towards better life?”

Group address:
Under construction

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Contact email: soomy111@yahoo.com

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Group entry created by Hossam Sayour on 2020-02-02 22:26:03



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