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Showing profile for Dr Haz PhD

Position: PDRA
Institution: UCLan
Department: Research Centre for Smart Materials

Email: (Email is private)

Social media and scholarly resources
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/hazim-f-el-sharif-b59a8b73
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=S735kcMAAAAJ&hl

Personal statement:

Selected Publications:
1: El-Sharif HF et al., MIP-based protein profiling: A method for interspecies discrimination.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 241, 33-39, (2017)

2: King HA et al., Generation of ribosome imprinted polymers for sensitive detection of translational responses.
Scientific Reports, 7, (1), ArticleNo6542-(2017)

3: Stevenson D et al., Selective extraction of proteins and other macromolecules from biological samples using molecular imprinted polymers.
Bioanalysis, 8, (21), 2255-2263, (2016)

4: Khurshid S et al., Automating the application of smart materials for protein crystallization.
Acta Crystallographica Section D, 71, (3), 534-540, (2015)

5: El-Sharif HF et al., Highly selective BSA imprinted polyacrylamide hydrogels facilitated by a metal-coding MIP approach.
Acta Biomaterialia, 28, 121-127, (2015)

6: Bueno L et al., MIP-based electrochemical protein profiling.
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 204, 88-95, (2014)

7: El-Sharif HF et al., Determination of protein binding affinities within hydrogel-based molecularly imprinted polymers (HydroMIPs).
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16, (29), 15483-15489, (2014)

8: El-Sharif HF et al., Book chapter, Hydrogel-Based Molecularly Imprinted Polymers for Biological Detection, 
In: Advanced Synthetic Materials in Detection Science, Reddy SM (Ed.) The Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, 75-115, (2014)


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