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Showing profile for Muhammad Bachri Amran

Position: Professor of Analytical Chemistry
Institution: Institut Teknologi Bandung
Department: Department of Chemistry
Address: Jl. Ganesha 10
 Bandung, West Java
 Indonesia, 40132

Web: http://analytical.chem.itb.ac.id
Email: Not public

Social media and scholarly resources
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3183-3406
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=_jK4f5QAAAAJ&hl=id&oi=ao
ResearcherID: https://researcherid.com/rid/B-2716-2008
Scopus author id: https://scopus.com/8979593000

Personal statement:

Selected Publications:
1: Sianipar A et al., Effect Of Degree Binary Complex Of Imprint Ion On The Extraction Of Zircon Ion.
IOSR Journal of Applied Chemistry, 1, (4), 15-19, (2012)

2: Wulandari M et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers-curcuminoids and its application for solid phase extraction.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1589, 400-403, (2014)

3: Aladin S et al., Incorporation of network in synthesis of zircon-imprinted polymer and its effect on zircon ion extraction.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 1589, 230-234, (2014)

4: Wulandari M et al., Molecularly imprinted polymers for cleanup and selective extraction of curcuminoids in medicinal herbal extracts.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 407, (3), 803-812, (2015)

5: Soekamto NH et al., Adsorption of β-sitosterol on molecularly imprinted polymer.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 188, ArticleNo012048-(2017)

6: N Zakia, MA Zulfikar, MB Amran, Synthesis and characterization of α-mangostin imprinted polymers and its application for solid phase extraction, Advances in materials Research 9 (4), 251-263
7: DN Basir, MA Zulfikar, MB Amran, The synthesis of imprinted polymer sorbent for the removal of mercury ions, Songklanakarin Journal of Science & Technology 42 (5)
8: Synthesis and application of amberlite XAD-16 diphenyl carbazide adsorbent chelating resin for solid-phase extraction of Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions from river water C Furaha, MB Amran, M Olivier AIP Conference Proceedings 2638 (1), 050001


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